Tales Of Arise Launches 10th September!

Tales of Arise is coming out on the 10th of September and promises to be the next generation of Tales RPG games. Set in a world that looks gritty, working through storylines of corruption, exploitation and slavery, Tales of Arise will have you working your way towards freedom and redemption.

A spectacular looking action rpg battle system looks to really bring a level of fun and intensity to the gameplay as you utilise a massive amount of customisation in fighting styles. The opening credits aren’t too bad either!

Check out Tales of Arise on G2A with the following link: https://www.g2a.com/n/talesofarise

Psychonauts 2 Finally Releasing this week!

Hey did you hear? The long awaited sequel to Psychonauts is releasing this week. And it’s even available on the XBox game pass, but if you’re not keen on getting into that, check out the this link to find cheapest key on G2a: https://www.g2a.com/n/psychonauts2

I did a video as part of my IN A MINUTE series on Youtube about Psychonauts 2 and you can see that right here! Let me know what you think of the game. I think Pyschonauts looks pretty crazy!

Turbot Coming To Steam on July 30th 2021

Hey do you like parkour first person platforming style games? Well You can check out TurBot which comes out on the 30th of July for steam. It is a fast paced platforming game that makes you really test our your mechanics with a some really challenging levels to work your way through. A game that will be popular for speed runners for sure. If you want to check out my Youtube review on the channel Beggles, then click on the link below! Subscribe for daily video and news about indie games and new releases!

Gigapocalypse: Retro Action Fun

I just started playing Gigapocalpyse, and it’s an interesting game that definitely gives you that nostalgic feeling of playing old arcade games back in the day where you would have a giant monster and the need to smash everything in your path.

Whether or not this is a game that will be able to sustain long amounts of play time, well we will have to see when the game releases more levels and giga (monsters) to play. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played so far and you can check out the game for yourself on steam!

Snowtopia Releasing into Early Access Today

Are you a fan of relaxing management simulation style games? Add in a knack for designing and a liking for the slopes? Well perhaps Snowtopia will be the game for you! Releasing into early access today, Snowtopia is a game that will get you fixated for hours as you design different ski-lift and slope combinations to try and keep your skying visitors happy.

A game that took me a little to get into, but once I spent a few hours I started to really enjoy and everything started to make a lot more sense. The main goal of the game is to get as many visitors as possible to your resort, and get a mixture of profiles there, so you need to provide slopes that cater to beginners and the daredevils.

Let me know how you’re finding Snowtopia! `


Perhaps the best or worst heading for a blog post in history! If you’re lucky enough to live in Australia like I am, September means Spring! And boy do I love spring! So as the weather starts to resemble something remotely pleasant, lets look at some of those amazing Indie Games you should have on your radar for this month!

Swords N Magic and Stuff by Kindred games

Check out this little open RPG gem which has just gone into early access on steam. Join up with your friends and complete quests on an island that is beyond gorgeous. With plenty of updates to come along the way, you know this is one that’s going to give you hours to play into the future. Keep an eye out for those annoying rats that are going to give you a hard time early on!

As Far As The Eye by Unexpected


Gorgeous graphics and interesting gameplay with this roguelite city builder. Complete tasks within the time limit before the waters come to wash everything away. Collect resources, build mining buildings all in the name of clearing the path for everyone to make it safely home! A game which takes a bit to get used to but definitely has the unique element covered. A slow paced game for sure but one for those who love planning out their moves and resource management!

Nexomon Extinction by Vewo Interactive

Released at the end of August, Nexomon Extinction is a classic monster tamer RPG. For someone like myself, who has played a few recently, it was a nice change of pace with great acidic writing and a storyline that goes beyond your typical pokemon/temtem story line. There’s a lot to be discovered in the Nexomon world and I’m loving playing through on the Nintendo Switch! The design and number of monsters in this game is ridiculously good!

HAAK by Blingame


HAAK takes place in an apocalyptic space and releases this week on Steam. Solve mysterious and make your way around this world finding different skills and weapons along the way. A main character that looks pretty kickass and graphics and music to keep and eye out for! You know i’m always excited to try out a new action platformer! Can’t wait for this release!

Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show by Rustic Fantastic

Comedic style storyline and some of the best bangers you will hear in a video game are present in this beat em up. Play as Redneck Ed, who just happens to get his face ripped off very early in the game, and then transported to some kind of alien television show. Levels are simple, yet fun enough and there some quirky enemies to meet along the way. A great game for people who love a casual beat em up!

BPM: BULLETS PER MINUTE by Awe Interactive


An action FPS game that heavily links into the beat of the music within the game. Said to be inspired by retro shooters from the 90s, BPM looks to be a unique experience even though it feels quite familiar when looking at media for the game. Randomly generated dungeons alongside boss fights has us excited for this one!

A Monster’s Expedition by Draknek & Friends

Charming environments and a downright relaxing game to play either on PC or mobile devices. A Monster’s Expedition is your classic puzzle game with a bit of a difference. A world which is open for your to explore at your own discretion and cute little artifacts that show the monster’s attempt to make sense of human monuments. A surprisingly fun game to bite your teeth into!

Medieval Dynast by Render Cube


A very promising looking game that takes you into Europe in the middle ages as you attempt to keep your family safe and expand your village. A game that looks to have your classic mix of tactics, resource collecting and social interactions alongside some more deadly events that come your way. Really curious to see the quality of NPC interaction and the political decisions and consequences of this one!

So what’s your pick for your best “Septindies?” Let me know with a comment!

Raji: An Ancient Epic Review

Raji has turned out to be one of the more interesting indie titles in recent memory for me. Unique characteristics and gorgeous art make it a striking title that is hard to not be awed by, yet there are some clear flaws to the game which to some might become a deal breaker. What makes this game different, is that players will need to choose wisely when purchasing the game about what their intentions are, because you can be both disappointed and yet blown away at the same time.


Raji is set during ancient times in India and is directly influenced by Hindu history and mythology. You play as Raji, a unbelievably talented gymnast who is thrown into the chaos of warring demons and gods, and strives for nothing more than to rescue her little brother who has been kidnapped. You work your way through striking environments, platforming and battling your way past puzzles and enemies, and take on epic boss encounters to push the story forwards, as you continue the search for the missing brother.

Raji story line is directly integrated with Hindu storytelling. You have the gods narrating the story, which is done so well and I have to give my congratulations to the voice acting, to the different mandala and portraits that you find along the way that share the tale of the gods and demons. I must say that, as someone from outside India looking in, this rich depth of culture and storytelling is the reason I jumped in and bought the game on release day, which is currently exclusive to the Nintendo Switch. I can’t say that I have gone searching too far and wide, but this is the first time I’ve seen a game that looks to be so inherently Indian. Not only to use a beautiful backdrop, but to tell a story in a style so different to the way the rest of the world might do it. I have read that there is no localised language options in the game, which would be a curious decision, but might make sense due to the Indian gaming scene which is still early in it’s evolution towards indie gaming and PC gaming in general.


So I’ll backtrack to a previous point here and I think that there are some pretty true criticisms of the game that can become frustrating at times during the play through. If you jump into Raji: An Ancient Epic with the expectation to find a fully crafted and engaging fighting game, you might leave disappointed. The fighting in the game, which is a big part and continually interrupts the story line, is fine without ever being amazing. The ability to climb pillars to do aerial stunts is very cool, although in fights it can be frustrating when missing the pillars, and how hard it can be to attack enemies due to an inconsistent targeting system. Enemies are quite repetitive and can become somewhat annoying with their insistent attacks, and whilst I liked the different weapons that you find along the way, I never really found my self enjoying the fights outside of the first few encounters.

I can see why they are put in there. It’s a clear way to add some challenge, to build up to boss fights, and also extend the time required to finish the game. I just don’t love it and it’s clear to me that the fighting mechanics are the weakest part of Raji. You will spend your fair amount of time platforming in Raji, which I enjoyed a lot more than the fighting, although I can see why people would be critical of the lack of diversity of platforming and how linear the game runs with this. In terms of challenge, there is not a lot there beyond tapping the jump at the right time and the puzzles become pretty repetitive. Don’t stop reading here though! I’ll share my perspective!


I am a big believer in context when it comes to reviewing games. If you compare every indie platformer made to Hollow Knight, then it’s going to be really hard for them to live up to expectations. So to revisit why I was so excited to play Raji: An Ancient Epic, the drawing factor was amazing art design mixed with a rich and vibrant cultural story telling experience. I can’t think of any game I’ve played that would have ticked these boxes more than this game. Even the pace of the game suits, with extended periods of narration and story telling which strikes the notion of Raji being a story to experience, not just an action game to play.

The backdrops of the game are stunning, and the level designs are very creative with the way you make your way through different areas. I am very curious about whether the game has been changed in terms of graphics quality to be optimised on the Nintendo Switch, though that is something we will find out once it launches on the competing consoles. The music is enjoyable and suits the atmosphere of the game, although can be repetitive with obvious loops when spending too much time in one areas if you get stuck.


Often we buy new games and can be disappointed by our expectations not being met. When considering to buy Raji: An Ancient Epic, my advice to you is to think about what kind of game you’re buying into here. If your looking for triple A quality action and platforming then perhaps it’s best to miss this one, as there will be obvious frustrations that you will encounter. If you’re in it for the story telling, art and cultural experience, I can’t see how you wouldn’t be enjoying your play through, and learn a thing or two about Indian culture… Did I mention the voice acting it stellar?

Millions of Minions… Literally

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Imagine you’re stuck down in the depths of hell, in some kind of dungeon with creatures of all sorts there to attack you. Sound like fun? Well of course you get to have some kind of defense, surely a big giant sword or magic that will help you escape and find your way out. Well in Millions of Minions, you don’t really have any of that. Instead, you get to conjure up little minion creatures from out of nowhere, and send them packing on their way exploding into your foes. The life of a minion can be oh so cruel, but let’s just assume they don’t feel any pain, and hey, it gets us on our way, so it’s a worthy sacrifice!

Top down dungeon exploring is at the core of Millions of Minions. You work your way through a procedurally generated map, clearing enemies and collecting as many crystals as you can, searching for the key that will get you through to the all important boss fight. Clear that fight, and you’re on your way up stairs to the next level. It’s pretty standard stuff here. Crystals can be used to buy different add ons, such as extra health and also to give your minions the ability to bounce, or a little extra time in the world before they puff back out of existence. The fighting mechanics are pretty simple, you spawn minions with your mana that you fling at the enemies, and if all else fails you have a melee slash ability that you can use when getting up close and personal with your enemies.

I found Millions of Minions to be a relaxing experience, especially once getting into the rhythm of the rooms and fighting style. I could see this game as being a good introduction to the roguelite genre, and it has a minion mode which is a lot more forgiving upon deaths. There is not as much content in the game as you would find in other titles, and that’s to be expected given the game is in early access and there are still more levels to be added. At the end of each dungeon area, in the 4th level, you get a mega boss which at this point at the most interesting fights in the game!

You’re not going to get lost in Millions of Minions for tens of hours like you might in a game like Dead Cells, but you will have a really fun time and there is definitely replayability there with the random levels. I am a huge fan of the art style and the music is brilliant, and i’m definitely going to keep a keen eye out for what Head Tilt Games do in the future! Even though it’s been a few days since I played Millions of Minions for the first time, I can still vividly hear the audio from the game in my head, and that’s testament to the aesthetic feel of the game!

Let me know your thoughts on the game in the comments below!

Top 10 Indie Games of 2020 – May

It has been a pretty busy month for me, even when ignoring the global issues, having a newborn baby around the house has seriously dented my indie game playing time, although I’ve managed to cycle through a few gems and there are a couple of changes that I’ve made to the top 10 list. Let me know in the comments if you think I’ve missed any, and I must say there’s a couple of games I know I haven’t gotten around to yet that I really hope that I can catch up with over the next few months!

10 – Monster Viator

This is probably the unexpected game on my list and when I first played it I didn’t expect it to be as interesting as it was. An old school turn based RPG that screams nostalgia and is just fun to play. It doesn’t have the same visual aesthetic as a game such as Ara Fell, but there’s just something about the game that keeps you coming back. This one can be played on a number of different platforms and is one to look into if you love the retro RPG genre.

9 – Darksburg

Darksburg is best described as a top down view vermintide game with MOBA style controls and abilities. It’s a lot of fun and is really good to play co-operative in a four person squad. It has a great feeling of horde gaming with large arrays of enemies to fight, and I really like the special enemies, that each have their own unique way to try and spoil your run through. The difficulty is set pretty high, and i’m curious how much replayability it has, given there’s currently only 5 maps to chose from, but it’s a game definitely worth checking out!

8 – Iris & The Giant

When I looked at Iris and The Giant before playing, I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a game that I enjoyed. It had, what looked to be a simple deck building mechanics, but I loved the art direction so I gave it a go. I was wrong. It is fantastic and is a game that would be higher up if not for the fact that there has been so many top notch roguelite games released this year. The game plays fast, with interesting build paths and strategy, and has a lot more depth than I had thought after getting into it. The art and aesthetic remains fantastic, and it’s a definitely can hold its head up high in the genre!

7– The Longing

So I have to come out clean here, I forgot about The Longing when I did my first list, and if the title of this post was “the most unique games of 2020” I think it would probably come in top of the list. A game in which you need to pass time, for 400 days until you get to see the king wake up. It’s slow, as in possibly the slowest game you will ever play, and you can read whole books within the game, but it has this romantic and relaxing feel to it, mixed in with quirky interactions that make it a worthy game to check out. I must say that this game is one which feels like a work of out, expression that transcends pure entertainment, and is a project which I feel should be lauded for it’s willingness to be completely different to everything else out there!

6 – Crown Trick

One of the newer games that I’ve played, Crown Trick is a game that i’ve spent a fair amount of hours playing through the beta, and it’s got a lot to like about it. Another roguelike game in such a competitive genre, this one has a point in different in the way the movement and turn based system works. In a similar style to games like Crypt of the Necrodancer, Crown Trick has all enemies and abilities working in time with your own moves, which makes it a strategic game in which you control the pace of everything. A game which already is a lot of fun, and one which i’m looking forward to seeing in a fully fledged version.

5 – Space Gladiators – Escaping Tartarus

When I saw the video for Space Gladiators I thought it looked cool enough, but was surprised at how well it controls and how it adds up in a really crowded rogue lite genre. It’s a funny game, but the humour is intertwined with really solid mechanics and addictive game play which will keep you coming back for more. There is the different add ons that you expect in an action platformer with roguelike elements and playing as a potato was just so much more fun. I never knew how much I needed to smash my way through enemies as a potato. A very under rated game in my opinion!

4 – Ara Fell

I’ve spent a bit more time playing through Ara Fell this month, and I continue to be drawn into it’s nostalgic sense of being a classic RPG. Beautiful graphics set in a charming world with fun characters that will draw you in. Ara Fell released on the Switch this year after previously having a presence on others platforms. I can’t reiterate how much I love the art style on this one and a great game for traditional style RPG lovers. I’ve found myself drifting away from the RPG genre which i enjoyed in the past, and it was nice to play something that had all the elements that I’ve always been drawn to in a turn based game.

3- Skul The Hero Slayer

I’m not addicted to Roguelikes, you’re addicted to roguelikes! But seriously this ones a fun game to play and surprisingly uncomplicated in a genre which can sometimes be so technical that you need a manual to work your way through. Skul is a fast paced action game with lots of fighting and unique characters that you can find along the way. I really appreciate how simple it is to pick up skul and play and feel like your beating the daylights out of toxic trees, and yet there is still a sense of progression and that feeling that you are improving. The hero fights are awesome and fun as well. I’ve dropped a lot of hours into this one and never got bored of it!

2- Coffee Talk (Nintendo Switch)

I’m still desperately looking for another story heavy game to fill the void of Coffee Talk, and it is the only game on this list i’ve spent a large amount of time playing through with my partner! Potentially my number 1 pick from earlier in the year and very much different from the rest of the list according to the genre of game it falls under. Coffee Talk is at its heart a story told through the dialogue and interactions of a unique set of characters with their own problems. Yes there is some coffee to make and relax with, but its the story and relationships that keeps you playing this one! I’ve always been impressed with the creators ability to create storylines that are relevant and understandable whilst utilising characters from a fantasy and science fiction set of races. The art is unbelievable and you will learn to love Freya by the end!

1 – One Step From Eden (Nintendo Switch)

Still coming in as my number on pick of the year and I must say, although i haven’t read through any patch notes, it feels like they might have lowered the difficulty of the game on my most recent play through. It definitely felt much more forgiving, and I could see why that would make One Step an easier learning curve. It’s going to take a cracking game to knock it off the top spot this year! A fun game to watch, one full of progression and moments of pure frustration. One step mixes fast paced “megaman battle network” style fighting mechanics with a technical deck building system that makes it a game that has so much depth you might just get lost (I definitely did) before it starts to become clear. I feel like an amateur playing it, but it has been a refreshing experience of getting my backside kicked repeatedly just trying to unlock those extra characters! Definitely one for the people with quick reactions and great memory of patterns!

What do you think of the changes? Let me know your thoughts!

2020 – The year of the Roguelike!

In the past I looked at the term with confusion, and still even now there’s this murky water between what constitutes a rogue like or lite or whatever you want to define it as. I’m just going to use the term lightly, and refer to games that call themselves as part of that genre, and boy is there a lot to choose from this year. I feel like every time I check out a list of indie games coming out soon, there’s bound to be a roguelike title on there, and if you checked out my rolling list of the top 10 games of 2020, well it was dominated with by roguelike titles. So I thought, let’s take a look at some of those releases! I’m not going to rank them. Let me know your top picks!

Rising Hell

Let’s kick it off with the quintessential action based platformer roguelike game. Murder your way vertically up and grab temporary boosts and currency along the way. Rising Hell offers fantastic controls and gives you the chance to get some crazy cool combos happening. Great arcade like style of gameplay and cool graphics support a fast paced game that is just fun to play!

Iris & The Giant

Cards! Who doesn’t love a card based rogue like and this one is unique with is graphics style and story telling qualities. Iris and the Giant is deep, it’s definitely not a bash and crash game and we’re looking into our own subconscious and vulnerability here. I love the deck building aspect and the way in which your run is finished if you run out of cards. Strategy is super important here and you’re going to need to think a little more than the previous game above!


So this one kind of flows into 2019 but I love it and it’s an Aussie game that is so different from everything else in the list so Zunius makes it! The game is described on steam as a psychedelic rogue like bullet hell and you can see that with music and graphical style. I haven’t seen a retro space shooter smashing it’s way into the roguelike genre before so Zunius is well worth a go!

Skul The hero Slayer

A game I’ve written about many a time and one I really like due to it’s easy playability and the way each run feels a little different depending on which skul you get to use. Lots of attacking, mixed in with some small elements of platforming and crazy good hero fights make Skul a great game to pick up and in my opinion a really good introductory to the genre. Complexity is not high with this game but it sure is a lot of fun!

A long Way Down

Procedurally generated turn based gameplay with deck building involved. A long way down is not my favourite in the list but it’s got a fair bit of depth and strategy for people that like thinking their way slowly through problems. This game kind of feels like playing a turn based board game with tactics style movement and has a cool “into the depth of hell” style story line.

Dead Cells The Bad Seed

An oldy but a goody, and qualifies for the list due to the release of the bad seed DLC this year. Dead Cells is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of platform action roguelikes and it’s just so much fun to through yourself into and get further into the run. Boss fights are cool, different items you collect are awesome and the game controls as perfectly as I could imagine for an action platformer. This is a must play!

Space Gladiators

The newest game I’ve tried in my list and one which stands out for it’s quirky art direction and definitely can hold its head high in terms of stacking up to the other games. Intense and quick fighting with funny characters (you can play as a potato!) are at the heart of this platforming game. Lots of customization along the way and a game that has great progression with decent difficulty curve!

Crown Trick

Another of my more recent games to have played, Crown Trick is a cool take on the genre with a game that is all about turns and the decisions you make. Everyone takes turns at the same time of you and you are completely in control of how quick the game moves and flows. A pretty decent amount of weapons and artifacts allows each run to feel a bit different, and I must say that I have found it to be pretty tricky working my way through. A game that isn’t at full release yet and one to definitely keep an eye out moving to full release in the future!

One Step From Eden

If you’ve read any of my other posts you will no doubt be aware of this game and it is currently listed as my top indie game for the year. Fast paced action mixed with strategic deck building and characters that are just so unique in the mechanics and aesthetic that they bring to the game. There is so much to love about One Step From Eden!


A game which is currently in the playable demo state on itch.io and one that i’ve added to the list due to its clear uniqueness compared to the other games i’ve written about. Hellver is a fps with retro inspired graphics and all about fast action and destruction all around you. Currently there’s a few levels to play through, as you make your way down through the spirally terrain, and it just promises so much. Hellver is the sort of game that looks okay when you see it for the first time, and you need to really play it for yourself to get a feel for how much fun it is to destroy your way through hordes of enemies, especially with the shotgun!

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