Top 10 Games of 2020 – April

On occasion I’ve made an attempt at creating some kind of list, usually in terms of best games of the month etc. Therefor i’m going to attempt to keep a rolling update of my top 10 indie games of the year, and see how it changes across the year. It would be remiss of meContinue reading “Top 10 Games of 2020 – April”

Top 5 Games so far in 2020!

Sorry! It’s been a while and I must say it’s really hard to keep up with reviews and articles when working full time as well. But nontheless, being on a break, I thought i’d talk about a few games i’ve come into contact with and get your thoughts about it. So here are my topContinue reading “Top 5 Games so far in 2020!”

Coffee Talk: Like watching the rain while enjoying a warm drink!

One of the more interesting parts of delving into the indie game dev world is the realisation of how wide a network of people there are working on their own games, which all have their own unique twists. I’m always drawn to Indonesia, for my family ties and how close it is to Australia, soContinue reading “Coffee Talk: Like watching the rain while enjoying a warm drink!”

Zunius & Game Dev in Australia

I’m always inspired and curious about gaming developers. The way they manage to go from an idea or concept and craft that into something playable is borderline magic to me.  Being from Australia, I’m always hoping that we have more breakthrough games coming out of our market and talented devs.  You just had to takeContinue reading “Zunius & Game Dev in Australia”

Nine Chronicles & Blockchain

So full disclosure here, tech things give me a headache! I had a hard enough time trying to understand and change a CPU for a computer, so when I tried reading and watching videos about blockchain technology and how it fits into gaming, i end up more confused than when I started! None the lessContinue reading “Nine Chronicles & Blockchain”

Let’s make a blog!

I don’t know if anyone uses blogs anymore, but I wanted somewhere to post my writing and thinking about gaming, so I’ve created this humble little blog. The intention will be to post about games, reviews news and especially framed towards indie gaming. In the meantime, i’ll give my first tip for the day (aContinue reading “Let’s make a blog!”

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